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We deliver a programme of study that meets the requirements of the National Curriculum using a Teaching for Mastery approach.


We offer progression within fluency, reasoning and problem solving and aim for children to become true masters of content - applying and being creative with new knowledge in multiple ways. Key mathematical skills and knowledge are taught in the daily lesson through small steps.


Pupils are taught through whole-class interactive teaching, where the focus is on all pupils working together on the same lesson content at the same time. This ensures that all can master concepts before moving to the next part of the curriculum sequence, allowing no pupil to be left behind.


Lesson design identifies the new mathematics that is to be taught, the key points, the difficult points and a carefully sequenced journey through the learning.


A variety of representations and manipulatives are used to support children in making connections and developing a deep understanding of the concept.


At the Gipsy Hill Federation we aim to develop children's:

Positive attitudes and confidence about themselves as mathematicians and a thorough enjoyment of maths.

Resilience and persistence when solving problems using a Growth Mindset approach.

Deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts.

Conceptual and procedural fluency, including rapidly and accurately recalling mathematical knowledge.


In Nursery and Reception, a mastery approach is used to ensure the foundations of maths are laid securely.



KS1 & KS2

The mastery approach is further embedded as children progress through their primary education using and adapting the White Rose Small Steps Progression units of work to guide our teaching and learning.

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