Our vision is to provide a high-quality PE curriculum which motivates all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. We also aim to give them opportunities to compete in sport and other activities in order for them to build character and help to embed values such as fairness, respect and teamwork.

At the Gipsy Hill Federation, PE plays a pivotal role in enabling children to develop physical literacy and to participate in a range of sporting activities.
During the Early Years Foundation Stage, children acquire and improve their gross motor skills and become increasingly confident with moving and controlling their bodies safely.
In KS1, all pupils receive two hours of structured PE each week. These lessons enable our children to continue their physical development through programmes of study that focus on fundamental movement, ball skills, gymnastics, dance and athletics.
As pupils move into KS2, they follow a programme of sports-specific study. Children in years 4 and 5 take part in weekly swimming lessons.
We aim to provide opportunities for all of our children to be physically active on a daily basis. Our schools have directed programmes that enable children to take part in activities that require vigorous effort.
All of our schools offer a range of after-school clubs that provide further opportunities for our children to take part in different activities such as archery and table tennis.
An example of a weekly timetable of physical movement breaks that each class takes part in.

In order to allow our children to participate in regular competitive sport, our schools enter a number of competitions and tournaments throughout the academic year. Some of our schools also compete in the Lambeth and Southwark Primary School Football League.
PE specialists from Moving Matters, a company that delivers high quality PE services to schools, support teaching staff in their delivery of PE across all of our schools. Typically, teachers work alongside the PE specialists for a full term in order to develop confidence in delivering high quality PE lessons.